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Top 5 Family Games

Top 5 family games image.

Mr. List It here, back with yet another list. If you’re big on game night then this is for you. That’s right! I made a list of what I consider to be the top 5 family games. Let me start by saying that these aren’t my favorite 5 games. I chose these based on the sheer excitement that I feel these games bring a family on any given game night. I believe you all will be in agreement for the most part. If not, go argue with your granny!

Mr. List Its’ Top 5 Family Games!!!

Pictionary. Top 5 family games.

Starting out, we have “Pictionary”. “Pictionary” is one of the easier ones to get the kids involved in. Especially when it comes to the drawings. And it’s sure to get you some hilarious looking deformed figures. Children have the most warped imagination out there. Definitely a good time.

I chose “The Game of Life” for a couple of reasons. It’s always funny to see the different scenarios that come about in this game. Even more so, the outlandish nature of them. I love playing it with my son and watching him end up with a ton of kids! Now you can witness life from my point of view, lol.

The Game of Life. Top 5 Family games.

Scattegories. Top 5 family games.

Regardless of the nature of “Scattegories“, it’s a heavyweight in my book. As a matter of fact, It’s one of my favorites. Even if you’re the smartest person in the world, something about being on the clock makes it hard to think of random things. In addition, some of those letters on the die really are tricky. At any time, the tide can change in terms of the score. Not to mention, someone’s bound to say something silly and hope to get away with it.


Trouble” is, by far, one of the most enjoyable and intense games ever created. Whether you’re playing to be the villain and aiming to send everyone back “home” or trying to stay out of the way and sneak in a win, it never disappoints. You might not like your opponent for a bit after the game is over. Just a fair warning.

Last but not least……


Finally, we have “UNO.” This game ends friendships. That’s always the sign of a great game. It always seems to spark an irrational competitive spirit in everyone. In addition, there are so many different variations of the game that bring about the same exact type of energy. That being said, this trumps the other games for me. All in all, check out the list below. You won’t be sorry……pun intended.

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